Saturday, 20 March 2010

Making a new rug

My first try at making a rug out of what my wife and her friend said was unspinnable
I have decided to make a peg rug on  my home made loom
After an hour or so and actually filling the pegs [ I think thats what they call them]
twice, I did'nt know if it should be pushed down ro slide down.
But I had better spread the colours out more evenly.
There, that is the third batch I have four different types of wool to mix

Well that the fourth batch coming of the pegs , the wools I have used  are
Ryland  + Suffolk ,Mule ,Jacobs , and some Merino.
I have found quite a large amount even I can't use, it just seems to fall to piece .

 Now I have not very much left so my only thought is if it too small
I can let Meg my dog use it . I know she likes sleeping on one made of the same 
material when we go to stay at a friends house in Wales.
There we are the last of it , I think it may be o.k. for the dog
I shall get it off and have a look.
Wait a minute Ursula {my wife }  has come with a little more . The next job is to 
take all the pegs off and finish the job off leaving a  little string to fasten 
up as tassles .
Well Meg seems to like it anyway , so that one use for it .

Wednesday, 13 January 2010


I took one or two pictures of the place I came across my little friends while it was cold.Whilst we were out with Meg my border Collie and my grandson. These two seemed to be enjoying it and it was keeping them quiet .I do not know what Meg had smelt when she just drove her head into the snow.

This I found looks like a little avenue and it leads up to the tree with the little peoples home in , I wonder if I could use it and stay out of sight next Spring .

 After walking around  quite close to the tree we heard Lewis my grandson say I saw someone in there and suddenly stopped. I asked him in where and he took us back to this tree . I got my camera ready and sqatted down ,thinking I may be to near . It was'nt until he started talking again  I had this photograph to take .
 Lewis had gone home , I went back myself and this is all I could get , so what was it ,who was it I do'nt know . I wonder if it was the childs soft voice ? I will take him over ther next time .