Tuesday, 6 October 2009

These are some of my products I knit for Ursula to put on her stall when out doing her work.I decided I liked doing Fair Isle so these seem to be the right thing for me , I also like doing small items for some reason.
The pattern on this one I made up myself and called it Jack Frost. the reason for that was there are snowmen around it and a snowflake in the middle.
I think the one below is my favourite , but as a tam. I think I like it both for colour and pattern.
It was this one I knit for someone who was only bothered about the colours and not the pattern . She also wanted it as a tam.I suppose any of them can be sold as a beanie or a tam .
This is Ursulas favourite it is pity it is to big for her although it was knit for her stall . The idea is to sell it .

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