This post is about Meg our Border Collie ,she means so much to me . There are times like when I'm not very well she even lays down beside me and my DW Laal Bear says stay there until I'm O.K.
I think that is why this is my favourite picture of Meg , she is laying down either talking to or feeling sorry for a tup which was not very well on a farm we stay on up Cumbria .
Playing ball back home ,I think she would carry on for ever no matter where we are, in the field or at home in the garden . We can go down what we call the 55 it is a cycle path to Preston 4.5 mile round trip and she still wants to play when we get home . I think that is why this is my favourite picture of Meg , she is laying down either talking to or feeling sorry for a tup which was not very well on a farm we stay on up Cumbria .
Here she is trying to get back in after being let out . I think she has worked out where the handle is but can't quite pull it down . If I don't get to the door in a few seconds all she usually does is go to the gate and watch the world go by , until I call her .
A true friend indeed, and beautiful and intellegent too.
She is the most intelligent and gorgeous dog I've seen:)